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from $25.00

10 Years of Chasing Artwork!

My companies origin story below:

10 years ago I had achieved a childhood dream: I was working full time as a concept artist and interface designer at a video game company. It was a great team, fun workplace, and we had some really exciting projects come through, clients like Warhammer, Nickelodeon and even Disney. 

I loved the job, I was drawing and designing full time- but on the side comic conventions had entered my life. I was quickly becoming addicted to the rush of selling my own art in artists alley.

What started as a nice little side hustle, was quickly growing in scope, effort, time and income. My booths portfolio growth was taking all my spare time and mental space  - it was all I thought about. How could I level up my presence at comic cons, what would be the next big art hit at the table, what show to travel to next.

So on top of a full time job, I was also trying to juggle 10ish comic cons a year. Something had to give, I was basically working 2.5 jobs on a very unhealthy sleep schedule, right on the fast track to burning out. 

So, in 10 years ago, in 2014, I gave my notice at my job- and started my very own company “Chasing Artwork” which is based on the idea that as long as you're practicing, you're always improving, and you’ll never be finished- your best piece is always going to be the next one. Forever chasing that artwork ;) 

I started out renting a small office in downtown Winnipeg, which I quickly outgrew as my convention schedule went from 10ish events to 35+. With more hours available for making, My inventory exploded with new art and books now! 

An unexpected bonus of that first office was that it shared a stairwell with a boxing gym. Sweaty boxers were often encountered running up and down the stairs at full speed.  I decided to try it out one day. I now help teach boxing at that same gym and box multiple times a week.

So 2 years into my solo venture I upgraded my studio space to a larger space with dedicated storage, and found some other full time artists that were taking conventions and book making more seriously than just a hobby, and now have the privilege of working in a space with other driven creatives.

In the last 10 years I've done cons all over the world, I've published 12 books, worked with some massive clients, done presentations at schools and colleges, had my work made into toys, animations, and have no intention of slowing down any day soon. Very excited for what the next 10 years will bring.

But the best thing is that I get to make art for a living, and travel the world to sell it in person. The direct interaction with my customers make what I do  extremely fulfilling. 

Thanks for reading!



“Reclaim” Available in:

• 12x18 in Satin Cardstock Print
• 12x18 in Stretched Canvas*
• 24x36 in Stretched Canvas*
• 24x36 Cardstock Movie Poster
• All versions come Signed

* Canvases are not always in stock and may take an additional 3-4 weeks to arrive.

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